Questions and Answers
Yes, Yellow Ticket Traffic School is an affiliate for the 1SafeDriver.com program, a State-approved provider for Basic Driver Improvement through the Deparment of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV). We've been in the traffic school business for more than 25 years.
In most cases, yes - but be aware that some counties in Florida (Seminole, for example) will not accept your certificate if you haven't made the traffic school election with them first. We recommend contacting the court first and letting them know that you are choosing the traffic school option.
If you have a CDL, federal law does not allow you to make the election for traffic school. However, you may still contest your ticket in court and the court may permit you to take a class. We recommend contacting the court to find out more information specific to your case.
You may have received more than one ticket during your traffic stop, but not all tickets involve points. Secondary tickets such as some seat belt tickets or equipment violations typically carry no points against your license, but still must be resolved. If you received more than one moving violation that involved points, unfortunately you can only elect to take a class for one of those tickets. A certificate of completion issued can only apply to one citation.
For a live class, you will receive a cetificate right there at the end of the class. For the online class, you can upgrade your certificate delivery to your email inbox within minutes of completing the course and 'certificate wizard' to verify the information you provided. (It may may take extra time if you have an out-of-state driver license or out-of-state ticket). With this express email delivery option, your certificate will also be available to download from your dashboard.
First log back into your account. Your certificate may be available to download from your dashboard or you will be given options there to obtain a copy of your certificate.
You may elect a traffic school class in Florida once every 12 months and no more that 5 times in your lifetime. Keep in mind that if you were court-ordered to take a class, this doesn't count against your elections. In theory, you could attend traffic school as often a court allows you to go.
We have no hidden fees. Other schools often advertise a cheap price, then add 'state certificate' or 'processing' fees. We think that's misleading.
We only offer the 4-hour Basic Driver Improvement course in Florida. If you're looking for the 12-hour Advanced Driver Improvement course, we recommend visiting the DHSMV website for providers for that specific program. Simply use your favorite search engine and enter "FLHSMV ADI course providers" to learn more.
A person who elects to attend a driver improvement course and has paid the civil fine, but fails to attend the school within the time specified by the court is considered to have admitted to the infraction and is adjudicated as guilty. In this case, the person must pay the clerk of court the amount deducted from their fee because of the election to attend a course, and a processing fee of up to $18. No additional penalties or court costs are imposed. The clerk of court will notify the DHSMV of the person’s failure to attend the driver improvement course and points for the violation are then added to the individual’s driving record.
You will need to follow the requirements of the county where you received the ticket. As for traffic school, our course is approved statewide, so you can take the course and the certificate is approved in every juristiction. Just be sure to submit a copy of your certificate to the county where the ticket was received.
We recommend visiting the County Clerk of Court website and looking up your case, either by name or citation number. This will show if you still owe any monies or documentation to satisfy your case. Once all balances are paid and paperwork properly recorded, the case will show that it is closed and no further action is needed.